Positive Behavior Support

School Wide Positive Behavior Support is a team-based proactive approach for creating and maintaining safe and effective learning environments evidenced by positive social cultures and behavior supports for ALL students.  The focus of school wide postive behavior support is that the school develop, implement, evaluate, and sustain a three level model of teaching and prevention that includes primary preventions, secondary interventions/preventions, and teriary interventions.  The critical elements of school wide positive behavior support include (1) achievement of valued and desired outcomes, (2) adoption and sustaind use of research-validated practices and curricul that maximize achievement of student and teacher outcomes, (3) team-based application of data-based decision making at many levels, and (4) development of systems (e.g., processes, routines, working structures, administrative supports) to sustain achievement of valued and desired outcomes.  (www.edprodevelopment.com)  In other words, we  work on the development of programs to help all of our students achieve their fullest academic and social potential.  The focus is on teaching students academically and socially.